Team Avalon

April 10, 2020

Citrix Vulnerability Could Allow Attacker to Perform Arbitrary Code Execution

In this challenging time, and with many companies moving to remote workforces, we would like to share some important information concerning a vulnerability in Citrix, as many companies utilize this tool to allow their remote workforce to connect to corporate networks and resources.
March 18, 2020

The Coronavirus's Impact on Cybersecurity

We’re hearing a lot about protecting ourselves during the COVID-19 pandemic. Unfortunately, cybercriminals are using the opportunity to create sophisticated social engineering campaigns and scaling up criminal activity, which means we need to work even harder to protect our online assets too.
July 12, 2019

How Cybersecurity Can Boost Your Business

Did you know that aside from being a preventive measure to curb the multitude of damages caused by a cyberattack, a solid cybersecurity plan can help your business flourish?
April 26, 2019

A High Volume of Firms Have Been Hacked

Our cybersecurity team has received more than a dozen notifications from local law firms that have had their email accounts compromised in the last two weeks. We feel it is our duty to notify our business community of the recent wave of attacks.
October 24, 2018

Don't Confuse Compliance with Security

What do some of the world’s most premier data breaches—Target in 2013, Heartland Payment Systems in 2009, Anthem in 2015—have in common?
August 28, 2018

Why Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) is Superior to Your Current Antivirus (AV) Tools

Just as our devices—computers, phones, tablets—are basically outdated by the time we exit the store, the same is happening for cyberattack protection. Our technology is continually becoming more sophisticated, and cybercriminals are keeping up.
July 24, 2018

Cybersecurity Measures That Get a C-

Why Antivirus Protection Isn’t Enough. As young students, when we didn’t want someone cheating off of our tests or papers, we put up a folder or Trapper Keeper as a barrier on our desk. This worked great unless someone stood up alleging that they had to use the bathroom. That scoundrel* then had the opportunity to peek over the makeshift boundary.
June 20, 2017

How Do I Know If I've Been Hacked?

Every day, we read a headline about a computer hacking or hear a personal story about a friend, family member, or colleague getting hacked. The signs of your computer or identity being hacked are often apparent, such as a menacing pop-up screen notifying you that all your critical files have been encrypted and a ransom is demanded to unencrypt them. Other times, though, the signs are subtle and...

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